اكتشف عالم "فاردي" المتنوع، واستمتع بلذة كل صنف على حِده.... نتفهّم اختلاف الأذواق في حب القهوة، لذا نسعى دائماً على تنوّع منتجاتنا لتلائم جميع أذواقكم، ولتحظوا بنوع القهوة المحبب لكم...
Our whole bean coffees are directly sourced and hand selected then expertly roasted. Since 1963, The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf searches the world for the best whole bean coffee available anywhere
Our whole bean coffees are directly sourced and hand selected then expertly roasted. Since 1963, The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf searches the world for the best whole bean coffee available anywhere
Our whole bean coffees are directly sourced and hand selected then expertly roasted. Since 1963, The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf searches the world for the best whole bean coffee available anywhere
Our whole bean coffees are directly sourced and hand selected then expertly roasted. Since 1963, The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf searches the world for the best whole bean coffee available anywhere. We only source our roasted coffee beans from the top 1% of specialty grade Arabica coffee beans from small farms and private estates in East Africa, Latin America, and the Pacific
© 2025 Verdi Coffee
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